• 21049 Devonshire St Suite 202, Chatsworth, CA 91311
  • 24/7

Commercial Office Buildings

Commercial Office Buildings

Uniformed security officers are posted at office entrances to check in guests and vendors. If video surveillance is part of the security mix, our office staff reviews feeds in real time to ensure the building remains secure. We work with building managers to coordinate an emergency response plan in case a fire, a natural disaster or if a personnel situation arises.

Guest Check-In

Apex guards are stationed at building front entrances. We monitor who comes and goes. When requested by property management, guards will require guests to sign in. Other guard duties include calling businesses to confirm guests are expected, providing guest badges and metal detection screenings.

Personnel Issues

An employee termination can be a tense process. Security guards escort former employees out of the building when necessary. Guards are on the lookout for terminated employees who try to return to the business.

Parking Lot/Garage Safety

Employees may not be comfortable walking to their cars alone especially at night or in a dark parking garage. Apex guards escort employees to their vehicles. They also patrol garages and parking lots for illegal activity. Their presence provides an added sense of security to employees and guests.


Whether it’s a fire, earthquake or other natural or manmade situation, Apex security guards take the lead—evacuating floors and leading employees and visitors to safety. We work with property managers, going over emergency scenarios and creating safety plans.

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