• 21049 Devonshire St Suite 202, Chatsworth, CA 91311
  • 24/7

Houses Of Worship

Houses of Worship

Violence against religious communities is increasing. Hate crimes brought against churches, synagogues, temples and mosques are all too common. Apex security guards patrol the grounds of these sacred places throughout the day and evening to ward off trespassers and vandals. They are stationed at entrances before, during and after services to protect worshipers from harm.

After-Hours Patrol

Vandals often strike at night, giving all sorts of disturbing motives for their actions. Apex Security Service dispatches personnel to locations for overnight security. Guards are available for regular nightly patrols or during times of religious holidays. When a guard is present onsite, vandals are discouraged from defacing property. Or, if vandals enter the property, they will be immediately detained by security guards until police arrive.

Congregation Security

Unfortunately, deadly shootings during worship services and other religious gatherings are frequently in the news. Apex guards provide security during religious services. Guards monitor who enters the sanctuary and scan the gathering before, during and after services. They are present for picnics, festivals, dinners, weddings, funerals and other events.

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